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The ipad is a touch screen pad that is just like an ipod and a Laptop. 
It has thousands of Apps that can be used to help with socializing, entertaining and even with some jobs.

Mac Desktop

The Mac computer isn't to much different from a PC but it has some better features.
Its much quicker then a PC and also it doesn't download viruses as easy.
Mac is a very loved computer.


The iphone is another popular phone today.
Some features of the iphone are the ipod, the hundreds of apps, internet, email, whether, camera and more.
The iphone has many features that other phones don't have and its all touch screen.


Today a very popular phone is the Blackberry.
Something special about the Blackberry is BBM (BlackBerry messenger)
BBM is similar to texting its completely free [with a data plan] but it can only be used by BlackBerries and to contact Blackberry users.